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interesting humans episode 13

“I was born with a big engine, a big heart and a really bad chassis,” Keith Kelly, today’s guest tells me in his familiar Irish. 

Keith was the NCAA National Cross Country Champion for Providence College in 2000. He has won dozens of races at the national and international level as he was the Irish National Cross Country Champion in 2009, which would have been a comeback year for Keith after years of battling injury and even depression. That championship could have led to competing for a spot on the Irish Olympic Team at the London Olympics but Keith’s 14th or 15th stress fracture derailed his world class running career.

Keith Kelly is one of my dearest and oldest friends. Regardless of his standing as an ALMOST World Class Runner and Olympian, I see him as a WORLD CLASS PERSON.

In today’s episode, we talk about his work with New Balance Running Shoe Company, his upbringing in a small town in Ireland  with deaf parents and his discovery and love for running, along with some of the successes he had as a runner. 

When his running career ended, still needing something to do with his big aerobic engine, Keith turned to cycling and was soon competing–and beating–pro-level cyclists. Imagine being an experienced pro cyclist and this gangly, skinny, six-foot-three dude with toothpick legs sprints past. Of course, nothing is easy for Keith and he experienced setbacks cycling too. In fact, in one of his first races, he got caught in a crash and broke a collar bone and some ribs. But that didn’t deter him. 

Keith is a study in adaptability and humility. He loves and appreciates his parents who provided he and his brother with opportunities to pursue their passions even though, as he says, “we didn’t have a pot to piss in.” 

Along with his love for training harder than anyone else and racing, the other enduring passion for Keith is music. We talk about his experience growing up with deaf parents and how he thought he was going to be a DJ spinning music at on BBC Radio 1.

I met Keith 12 years ago while at Reebok and knew he was a unique and good person. This conversation dives into the intricacies of training at a high level, challenges and even depression, and redemption in the hands of new found love.

I hope you enjoy meeting my friend Keith Kelly.

Keith Kelly on Instagram:
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On Blogspot:
On Radiohead, his favorite band:
Radiohead documentary: Meeting People Is Easy
Reebok’s Run Easy Campaign, 2007